It has been a ridiculously long time since I wrote.
I'm sorry if this is just an explosion of words and emotions. I have a lot to get out.
At the same time, I'm holding in a lot that I don't feel would be professionally appropriate to divulge.
Let it be said that I have been having an INCREDIBLY difficult time this year. I know last year was tough because I was new and everything was an experiment. This year, I'm in a new school again, everything is still and experiment, and now, to top it all off, I'm having some difficulties working with my grade level team.
It really is amazing how important a common understanding of something is. I have my definition of collaboration and what is expected of a team; they have a completely different understanding of what we should be doing as a team. So, needless to say, it has made my job sooooo much harder.
Today was an especially terrible day because of this. We had a meeting this morning and I honestly said my opinion and felt attacked afterwards. :( I wanted to cry. Instead, I went to the bathroom, gave myself a little peptalk in the mirror, and went into my classroom to start teaching. It was a tough day, no doubt about that. Some of my other coworkers (the ones in my interdisciplinary team; the ones I have really connected with; the ones who give me the encouragement and support I need).. yeah, those ones, they knew I was having a rough time. During 7th period, my last class of the day, all of a sudden both the History teacher's class and the Science teacher's class come in with all the kids I teach in the afternoon. They sang me "Happy Birthday" and (I can't believe I am admitting this) I totally teared up. I know my kids saw my tears, but I think that's ok for them to see me emotional sometimes over a good things. I was just so touched. As they left, the history teacher hugged me and whispered, "This is what we do it for." Oh man, I'm crying right now as I write this. It was such an incredible way to end a day that really could have gotten me down.
Yes, I still have plenty of battles to face with my 8th grade English team. Oh boy, I don't even want to think about all the things I am going to have to deal with in the next few months with them. But I know if I keep it in perspective, it I remember the real "why" of why I chose this profession, if I keep the supportive administrators and teachers close by, then I will be able to survive this year and feel successful at the end of it all.
One thing's for sure, I am NOT going to back down on what I know is right!
I wasn't excited to come back to work, but my day was made so much better when I heard this:
Student: "I decided to write in Biblical language, Ms. Mayans." (then he begins to read his bell work about winter break, which was supposed to be written in 3rd person) "It came to pass that on the fourth hour of the 20th day of the 12th month of the 2012th year, there was a 13 year old boy named Jarom. Having a tummy ache, (and great was the ache thereof), he ran to the bathroom and spat food into the toilet. Nevertheless, Jarom did brush his teeth and went back unto his rest, and good was the rest thereof."
hahahahahah. I usually don't want to know about my students being sick, but this seriously made me cry, it was soooo funny!
Student: "I decided to write in Biblical language, Ms. Mayans." (then he begins to read his bell work about winter break, which was supposed to be written in 3rd person) "It came to pass that on the fourth hour of the 20th day of the 12th month of the 2012th year, there was a 13 year old boy named Jarom. Having a tummy ache, (and great was the ache thereof), he ran to the bathroom and spat food into the toilet. Nevertheless, Jarom did brush his teeth and went back unto his rest, and good was the rest thereof."
hahahahahah. I usually don't want to know about my students being sick, but this seriously made me cry, it was soooo funny!
To be honest, today wasn't the greatest day. It seemed that all of my classes were chatty and off task. We did some goal setting for the new year and upcoming new term, and we finished off the class period by reviewing some old stuff and reading a short story. I really didn't think my students would be in the correct mindset to learn something new, so we will wait a few days for that.
The final project for The Devil's Arithmetic is due on Friday, but some of my kids have already turned them in. THEY LOOK AMAZING!!!! Oh my gosh, I am so impressed and so proud! Everyone who turned it in today got an A. I could tell they had really spent a lot of time and effort on these projects and they learned a lot.
I now have to worry about planning my next unit plans. I need to teach argument writing, essay writing (5 paragraph essays), how to have discussions, The Outsiders, words for the spelling bee competition (coming up on February 7th), prefixes and suffixes,.... um, and I think that's it. That will last us a few months. I hope I survive! In addition to that, I also need to think about what I can do to prepare my students for the state testing in March. Even though I will never see the results, I want to help my kids do their best (and of course also demonstrate through their test scores that I am a decent teacher). So much to do, and the time just whizzes past.