
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Payson teen dies after weekend auto-pedestrian crash

News report: Teen hit by car in rural area

Yesterday was a really hard day to be at school. The halls have never been so silent.

As my students walked into my classroom, I invited them to write in their writer's notebooks about their feelings/experiences. Whenever I am going through hard times, I know that I am able to order my thoughts a little more and calm down as I write. Similarly, I think my students appreciated the time just to reflect privately and unload all their emotions onto the blank page. Those who wanted to share afterwards were given that opportunity to do so.

Unfortunately, even though our world seems to stop when we experience tragedy, the world and people around us keep going. I explained to my students that it seemed like a cruel joke that we still had to do state testing, but that is simply the truth. So, today we have testing...and who knows how that will go.

During this whole things, I have shed many tears. I hurt for my students. Some of them were at the party that night and one of my students did CPR on the girl while waiting for help to arrive. I can't even imagine how horrific that experience would be, and I hope that I can be a caring and understanding adult in their lives right now.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sad News

I opened up my email tonight to find a message from the principal. She grievously informed us that 4 students had been in a car accident over the weekend. One student died; the others went to the hospital. I knew that girl who died. She worked as my teacher's assistant in first period and was a lovely girl. Honestly, when I first heard the news I was in shock and couldn't react. Afterwards, I shed some tears in thinking of her and her family. My heart is truly broken for them. It is hard to now think of this young lady and know that she will no longer light up my classroom during first period.

I am struck with how much love I have for my students. I really didn't know this girl for very long, only a few months. Still, I see every one of my students and imagine a long and beautiful future for all of them. I imagine friends, high school dance, college acceptance letters, jobs, dates, marriages, families, and futures where the things they have learned in my class will impact how they see the world and how they communicate their opinions and values. I see happiness when I look at my students. I see hardships as well as victories when I look at my students.

This news of the accident will obviously effect us for the rest of the school year. This week we have state testing (whelp, I'm thinking quite a few students aren't going to do very well because they will be mentally preoccupied with other emotions). I just pray that I can be a caring and understanding teacher to those students who were especially close to this girl. I want to be able to discern how to best help them through this time of sadness and mourning. I guess we will all just take it one day at a time.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Laughter Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

What a roller coaster of a week. There have been so many tragedies this week, what with the Boston Marathon bombing and a few people who have gone missing in the last few days. Scary times.

Luckily, I laughed a lot this week. I actually find this pretty ironic since this week was actually very boring as far as lesson plans and assignments go. We are currently preparing for the end of year testing, and this means we have a lot of boring reviews and practices. But, amidst all the annoyed students and national tragedies, I found plenty of things to bring a smile to my face.

First of all, it's amusing to hear what students think of you as a teach. As I passed out another review worksheet, one student commented, "Sheesh, teachers have it easy. All they do is make worksheets and then watch other people do them." HAHAHA. So that's what I've been doing with all those early and late hours at school...just making worksheets, eh?

Then we have the kids who are falling asleep in my class because they can't seem to practice self discipline at home and go to bed early. When I saw one of my students at the back of the class obviously asleep, I told another student to smack him awake. He lifted his head and I saw that the whole left side of his face was bright red and dented with imprints of his jacket. I had to work really hard to keep in my laughter. He just looked so out of it, and I felt his pain. By that time of day, I just want a nap too!

And then of course there are funny/cute things that I see on students' assignments. Every week I give them an article to read and answer questions. During this, I have also taught them how to anotate a text (and can I just brag for a second? They are doing so so so well at annotating! They really get it! At the beginning, I think they were confused why anyone would write their comments, questions, and connections in the margins, but now they are actually writing thoughtful things and coming to really good conclusions. I love it!). Anyway, so this article talks about tips some of the most successful college students suggest. On the section entitled "Pursue passion, not A's", one hard-working-straight-A student wrote, "My whole life is a lie!" I laughed.
On another paper, I found a very sweet note from a student. What a perfect way to bring a smile. I think this is one of the perks of teaching junior high. Do you honestly think I would get notes like this from high schoolers? Here it is.

Then there are always those annoying, talkative, happiness-sucking classes that just turn me into a Disney witch. Yeah, I told my 5th and 6th period classes at the beginning of the week that they were on probation. If they got 5 tallies in the week, they would have to do "Behavior Bootcamp" (what I did with my 7th and 8th period class last semester). The kids who experienced Behavior Bootcamp from before urgently told the other students that they DID NOT want to experience it. I also arranged with them a reward system. If they get 10 positive points, they get to watch a movie (yes, I plan to strategically time that movie to be the last week of school). The best day was Thursday. Students started filing into the classroom. Some students decided to take an active role in reminding their peers to be quiet; they would shush the people walking in the door and then tell them to start working. I was so please to see them all come in, start the bell work quietly and on their own, and continue being attentive as I called out for people to share what they had written. Honestly, it was such a simple pleasure, but it was exactly what I needed for the day. They were working so hard to impress me. I realized that it is important to find the right type of motivation for each class. Finally I have found it for this period! :)

And lastly there is the ever-crazy, ever-worrisom job search. I wont go into all the craziness, but I am happy to report that I have two job interviews lined up for next Wednesday. I can only hope and pray for the best. Surprisingly, I am confident that everything really will turn out fine and that I should just be myself. While I am far from a perfect teacher, I feel like I have worked really had this year to be a good, fun, effective teacher. And I think, for the most part, that I have succeeded in that endeavor. It is so wonderful to have so many friends and family rooting for me and helping me along the way. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Break is upon us

This last week I wanted to do something that would be student led and not cause me a ton of stress. To finish off our persuasion/argument unit, I had my students create a unique product and then make a power point to advertise it. When I was gone for the teacher fair, they made prototype They spent all week writing their power points and inlcuded the following sections:
  • Celebrity Endorsements
  • Product Description 
  • Target Audience 
  • History of the Company 
  • 3 Reasons why someone should buy their product
 Yesterday they all presented, and it was a huge success. Here are a few pictures of their very creative projects:

Here we see the Bender Binder (a binder that shrinks so as to fit in your pocket), the iPhone 7 (see-through so as to allow you not to trip as you walk and text), the robo-hat and a futuristic TV.

This is the Money Tree. Their slogan was "Grow, Harvest, Invest." :)  

Purposeful Pocket Purse and a fashion shovel. The ladies who created the fashion shovel had Luke Bryan (country singer) as their celebrity endorser and quoted him as saying, "I'm so glad I can still look sexy while diggin it."   :)

The Everything Kit (stores everything you need for school). YES PLEASE!

Animal deodorant. Here you see Creamy Kitty and Dogxibo for your lovable pets.

I was impressed with the creativity, but I was also pleased with their persuasive abilities. I think it was a job well done.

Now its time to relax and enjoy spring break (Oh, and yes I still have Outsider essays to grade over vacation....grrrr.....)